
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asaraari

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

He thought that I will give him some taveez to wear, burn or to drink or shall give such taveez which he will just wear and his job will be done during his life. I agree to give taveez.

Most dangerous Jinnat:

Amongst the various types of Jinnat like that of made of fire or smoke, the most dangerous amongst these are the Jinnat made of smoke, they do not even have little interest to give benefit to the humanity rather it is negligible and in their temperament giving loss is a lot more, thus they have in their temperament to inflict pain, sorrow and perpetual worry and more worry.

Food becomes ash:

Few days back a person (human being) came to me and complained that I just feel lost while sitting and do not have any realization of my surroundings, circumstances and my mind becomes empty. Upto this point still the situation was in my control but now the situation has gone far ahead, the food which is brought before me, bad smelly smoke starts coming out of it and after a while this food whether it is rice, bread, meat, vegetable, milk, tea or any other thing, turns into ash, before my eyes. Meaning, that food is actually food before it is kept on my table or my daster khwan, if other people of my household eat it then it is food and the same food when comes before me then it turns into ash and smoke starts coming out of it, amazed, I asked him that what do you eat? He said, the only way is that some other person feeds me with his hand and then its taste food and I eat it, but the same helping if I eat or comes before me then it turns into smoke and ash and nothing is left.

 I am fed up of my life:

I was very worried as I am totally unable to eat food with my own hands for the past 3 and half years, I have tried every Aamil (spiritual practitioner), every Baba, but now, I am fed up of this life, many times I thought about suicide but, then a thought comes that this is Haram death, everlasting torture and annoyance of Allah جل جلالہ, then I stop and with a new will again go to some Aamil but circumstances are still the same. I am fed up, am tired.

My questions:

I immediately understood that this is the evil doing of such Jin who is made of smoke, I asked him few questions: 1. In your life, have you ever crossed through any such wind storm in which besides wind you felt smoke or the smell and suffocation due to smoke? 2. Have you seen such dreams in your life in which you see such a place from where smoke is coming out? Fire is little and smoke is more, meaning that any roof, hut or a pile of filth or a cloth has caught fire and smoke is coming out? 3. Did you spend some time of your life in any such cave or room or hut where you felt that there has been smoke over there since years and years and the room has become black and no one took the pain of getting it painted etc.? 4. Did you ever think that you forget to recite Bismillah  بسم اللہbefore having food or you forget it sometime? Or you say Alhamdulillah after having food or forget it? 5. Do you regularly do the pray of going to toilet? 6. Do you read the pray when you wear the clothes or change them and you read Bismillah as at this time, you are nude and by reading Bismillah, an invisible protective wall surrounds you. 7. Do you atleast read اعوذ باللہ من الشیطن الرجیم during physical marital relationship and made it a routine in your life or you always forgot it. 8. And the last question that, who gave you “Ghutti”? Was he a bad person, fraud, liar or doer of holy recitations and pious acts.

Negligent life: When I asked these questions from him, his reply was 90% negative and said that he did not do these things upto 90% and he lead his life oblivious of these things and he did not live his life till today and it is just an ordinary life passing by.

Remember my advice with conscious and attention: Readers! I am telling you the truth, listen to what I am saying with conscious and attention and always write it upon the lines of your heart that the questions which I asked, stated before, every question leaves an effect upon our life and every questions gives us a lesson in our life, whether it is negative or positive and every question stays with our life, till death and some questions amongst them are such which we will not understand apparently but, their effects travel till our generations and our generations are affected by them. When I tried to make him understand the ways to lead the life, he was getting amazed at my every sentence.

Perhaps I would give some Taveez: He thought that I will give him some taveez to keep it with him or to drink or to burn and will give him such taveez which he will just tie up to his arm etc. and his job will be done. I am for taveez and I have strong proof for this from Hadith but, from the life of Holy Prophet ﷺ of Allah جل جلالہ Masnoon prays, Masnoon acts, and Masnoon life is proven, in whole of your life making the people to do pious acts is proven.

He became prosper and contented: Then I advised him to strictly and regularly act upon these things about which I asked from him in my questions and he did so and within a short period of time he met me and said, are there more secrets in your life? That I only acted upon these secrets and became such contented and prosper that all my worries and all my sorrows went away and today I am leading a healthy and contented life, and my hands have learned to eat food and my food does not turn into ash, into smoke, my health is much better than before.

 Come! I will narrate a happening: Readers! Some things are such which are not given importance by us in our life, we do not give them any place or respect, but remember! These things are such which actually have importance, power and effect, 

We cannot even comprehend that how much power and importance these things have in our life. I will narrate you an instance about this: A person came to meet me, a lot of small children were with him, two wives, from the circumstance and signs, it was apparent that there is too much poverty, limited means and hunger, from the appearance it could be felt that perhaps they did not have stomach full till today and had not eaten stomach full of fruits or drinks in their life.

I had lot of Honour and Glory: Dress was old, the person said that I am possessed by the Jinnat made of smoke: there was a time that I had land, house, wealth, money, respect, health and success, wherever I use to step in, I use to get success, my circumstance would get better, respect, honour and glory would further increase, a friend met me and he promised me to give me the method to make gold and he promised me, to make it too.

The secret of becoming rich overnight: he said that you can become rich over night? And there is no fraud in it and you are not giving trouble to other people also, you are not snatching from someone and are not doing in justice to others, only gather few herbs and some medicines and like this money and wealth and things will be at your feet, initially, I was not convinced and use to argue that by doing so, result is loss rather people even lost which was already with them but gradually I started getting convinced.

Jinnat themselves will make the gold and will give it: He said a special thing that the Jinnat will tell you the formula themselves and will make this formula too and even that before your eyes, you only have to do a certain expense initially and then all your life, piles of money and wealth will be at your feet, and then there will be gold and wealth and money. Finally, I came into the trap of his sweet talking, and the greed of money or wealth made me blind and I went crazy.

Act of 11 days: He gave me a lamp and asked me to sit in front of it and gave me an act of 11 days, I had to see the smoke of the burning lamp and had to recite a Mantar (evil verses) and I kept on looking at it and kept on reading, after 7 days I could see a strange shape within the smoke. On 8th day that shape became clear and on the 9th day, all the features and its fearful condition became very clear from which I started becoming scared and my fear kept on increasing and I kept on becoming worried, but it was an order of the Aamil and the teacher of making the gold that 11 days have to be completed and this act is not to be stopped. I kept on doing this act and on the 10th day, it’s dangerous sounds and fearful shouts such that the ears would burst started coming and exactly at the 11th day the smoke became absolutely static and a strong bodied face came and sat in front of me, and he shooked his head in front of me and accepted my following 100% and said that sir what can I do for you?

I myself am in search of gold:

You cannot get peace in my lifetime as I am a Jin made of smoke and there is never any expectation of goodness from the Jinnat made of smoke. I was worried that what trouble I have put myself in.

Getting scared I told him that I have to make gold, with a slight smile and in a very soft accent he said that I myself do labour all day, do effort, you have controlled me with a powerful act and black magic, I myself would take about 50 Kgs of beef daily from you which is my food and will take 5 KGs of ash, 10 KGs of coal and 3 KGs of eaten bones. All this is my food and now as you have controlled me, so you have to give this food to me, I don’t have anything to do with coal, leave alone, producing gold, I myself am in search of gold and I was astonished that the teacher for making of gold did a fraud with me and what strange thing he has got me involved with and now I have to give.

I will keep on troubling you: He gave a threat that if you do not give me these things then I will keep on troubling you, giving you pain, giving you sorrow and in my life you can never be at peace, as I am a Jin made of smoke and there is no expectation of goodness from the Jinnat made of smoke. I got disturbed that what trouble I have put myself into and I immediately contacted the Aamil and the teacher for making of gold but he so disappeared and if earth has eaten him or sky has lifted him up. Now if I would not give him some thing, he would break the arm of my kid, sometimes would lit a fire in my house, sometimes filth, sometimes bad smell, sometimes he would wake us from our sleep, would shout in the house and the strange thing is that only we in our house could hear these voices and others with us would not feel anything, then I was tired and I started fulfilling his needs, sometimes I would be concerned about the coal, sometimes for ash that where should I bring the ash from? The time of burning wood for cooking has gone and now everyone uses natural gas. I use to roam the whole day in this worry and was fed up with my business, my life, sorrows, pain and difficulties has surrounded me so much so that too much worries started in my life that on one side my business finished and on the other side perpetual and worrisome expenses started and on the 3rd side continuous evil doings by this Jin made of smoke led to illnesses in my household.

That Jin was a blind well: Troubles surrounded me, poverty and worries had made me fed up and now all the time there were quarrels in my house. Sometimes, some kid was sick, sometimes, bone of someone was broken, sometimes, some other person in house would suffer, the daily household things would get spoiled themselves, so much so that I went into extreme tension and depression and gradually I started to sell the things and property, but Jin was like a blind well which was eating me up, I would arrange beef, ash, coal and bones for him but till when? For the last quarter past two years I am in this deep trouble and finally everything of mine is sold out, now I cannot give him anything more, still whatever ash I can find and whatever bones I can bring, I bring but, cannot give him beef as even my kids do not have anything to eat. The difficulties of life have made me desperate and worried and I have reached the extreme of poverty

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